The SIUE School of Pharmacy Office of Continuing Pharmacy Education currently offers both live and distance (home-based) activities. All the activities are offered for continuing pharmacy education credit.
In Live programming, participants are required to come to a specific site for a set number of hours to participate in a CE activity. In some instances, the live CE activity will be hosted on the internet, and participants will be required to log in to a secure website for the CE activity. For live activities, participants will be required to attend all portions of of the activity for which they would like to receive credit, and to fill out an activity evaluation form.
Home programming is designed to update pharmacists' knowledge of current concepts in pharmacy at their own pace, and in their own environment, without having to attend a live event. The courses will consist of written material covering a given subject, along with a post-test. Some home study courses may include audio and/or a visual aids.